This is Ann’s Trail from Edelweiss Trail, located in Corner Canyon Regional Park.
Some Recent History
Edelweiss trail runs through the Suncrest neighborhood and connects into Ann’s trail. Ann’s trail crosses over to the new rest area where several dozen trails come together. Here’s a view of the rest area:

What’s convenient about this trail is that hikers and bikers can take the trail to get to the intersection without navigating down the streets and sidewalks of the neighborhood. Unfortunately, in April of 2023, two houses built on the cliff were washed down the mountain by the unusual amount of water created by the heavy snowmelt (that was the year of the big snowstorm around here).
2 homes slide in Draper, nearby trails closed
Video captures moment houses slide off cliff
Since we live in the neighborhood, we received an alert that Saturday morning to evacuate. Fun times. Fortunately, nobody was hurt and the two houses were already condemned the year before and were in dispute with the contractor over the way the foundation was prepared.
The result of this little disaster was that Ann’s trail and Clark’s trail were closed (because they were wiped out by the house debris).
An announcement a couple of weeks ago (in September of 2024) told that the trails were open again. Finally, one of our favorite connector trails is back in business.
The Trail
Our house is positioned along the Edelweiss trail. We can walk out our back door and get on the trail without crossing any streets. The pictures in this sequence will start from Snow Blossom Way. Otherwise, the view is just the backyards of houses on both sides of the trail. These pictures were taken late in the afternoon, so the sun was going down.
This is Edelweiss trail, with great views looking over the valley toward Salt Lake City:

Here is a good view of where the two houses slid off the cliff:

Here’s the intersection with Ann’s trail:

Now, on to Ann’s trail (with views of the housing construction):

After that, we went up the Hoof n Boots trail. One of our favorites: