The parking for this trail is right after the National Park entrance.
Parking can be tough. We started late, so there were some empty spaces when we arrived (I consider our situation lucky since it was a Saturday). The start of the trail goes to a three or four-way split. Go to the left.

We hiked later in the afternoon, so the sun was beginning to go down over the mountain.

We arrived at the falls. There is a nice rocky lookout over the lower part of the falls.

Descend to the river.

When we returned, we saw deer from the trail just before reaching the parking lot.

You may have noticed that the photos above (and some previous hikes) are washed out. I did some investigating and discovered that some settings on my camera got set, so I reset the camera to the factory settings and solved the above issue. We’ll have to re-hike this trail (darn) and re-take the photos. I’ll replace these photos when that happens.