Official site: USS Midway Museum
The tour starts on the hanger deck. We toured this carrier from the hanger deck up to the bridge but did not go below decks (we’ll have to return and do the tour again). We parked at Tuna Harbor parking, which, if I remember correctly, had a three-hour limit. Probably a good thing since our legs were dead by the time we finished. We stuck around for the tour guide for the bridge, but most of the tour-guiding was done by your’s truly.

Images of the pilot’s briefing room. I took this opportunity to sit in the CO’s chair (I tilted my head in the last picture to show which seat I was sitting in).


Combat Information Center (They’re training ’em young these days). There are two CIC centers on this carrier. All the consoles are faked out, with some sort of simulation software running. Probably written for this purpose. When I was in the service (1982-1988), we used to load Star Trek on the computer and play against each other on these types of consoles. Multiplayer, real-time games before the invention of Castle Wolfenstein and Doom.

Anchor room

Ah, the enlisted berthing compartment. Brings back memories… Each enlisted person is assigned a rack, where the lid opens and provides compartments for storage, plus a stand-up locker (those thin, vertical lockers between the racks). The racks are three-high. The bottom picture shows the middle rack open. There is a clasp on the front where you can put your master lock. Noticed that ultra-luxurious, two, or three-inch mattress.

Ship’s store. This was about the typical size for the store. I suspect the Midway had more than one. Our ship (the USS Worden, CG-18) had only one, and it just had some basics. They didn’t sell good stuff, like Doritos or Oreos. There were vending machines throughout the ship for sodas.

Flight deck. We walked around and took pictures of various aircraft parked on the flight deck.

To Radio Central! The second image shows the NAVMACs automated communication system. Their system had three UYK-20 minicomputers (large cube sticking out above the monitor/keyboard). There are blank panels were they removed all the crypto equipment.

Admiral’s kitchen

Superstructure, including bridge

One last look back